Friday 20 November 2015

the use of mobile phones in the classroom

The Use of Mobile Phones In The Classrooms

“All of the biggest technological advances by man - the airplane, the car, the computer - says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness” Many people, like Mark Kennedy, would say that a mobile phone is a fundamental part of a classroom, as a useful learning device, while many others think that phones should not be in schools at all, as they as addictive and distractive items. Should these essential yet unsuitable device be allowed in these learning environments?
On the one hand, there are many different education advantages that technology has to offer in the classroom. For subjects like History, Philosophy and the sciences, cell phones have proven very useful to some for individual research and work. Although most schools have at least one computer in the classroom and a computer lab, sometimes this still isn’t enough. It can also be expensive to provide a computer to each student at school, so a good option is to use cell phones for research instead.  There are many schools all over the globe that have made use of what technology can offer, maximising the amount of work done in a lesson. Moreover these devices are essential for personal safety and for communication between parents and students, to let each other know about any last minute change in their schedule. Also, the children of today feel that cell phones are vital for their social life; a device that can keep a pupil connected and up to date with events. Furthermore, phones are excellent for writing down reminders or important dates in their calenders, helping students be more organised. As you can see, it is clear to see that phones can be very useful in school environments.
On the other hand, there are many valid reasons why most schools in the world have not allowed the use of mobile phones in the classroom. With the amount of things children can do with their phones, it is possible to get distracted from lessons and what the teacher is saying. Soon, these small distractions become addictive devices that can negatively impact on a student’s grades and relationship with teachers and classmates. Similarly, giving children the freedom to use their cell phones in school, actively promotes bullying and allows harmful texts and rumours to spread around school. In addition, it promotes students’ indiscipline as children may have the power to take photos, record videos and publish them online; essentially minimising making them feel powerless and minimising their teaching skills. Also, mobile phones make young school children feel very vunerable since they can get easily mugged, as the trend for the newest, most expensive phone continues. Not only this, but also, phones are an easy way for students to cheat during exams, again putting at risk the authority of the teacher. Lastly, this device promotes lazyness as children do not have to write any more. Who would say that a keyboard would be the new pen and paper?

In conclusion, although mobile phones in the classroom seem like a beneficial item, it is undeniable, that if not used correctly, can affect the authority of the teacher, relationship between students and the liability of school exams, among others. Therefore, I think that, for the good of the school, mobile phones should not be allowed in schools.

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